
Filter press Đại Đồng Tiến Phát

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Filter Press DAI DONG TIEN PHAT in Dewatering Industrial and Municipal Sludges with Over 2000 Recessed Plate Filter Presses Installed Worldwide

If you need to treat wastewater with high solids at your facility, you’ll want an effective, efficient filter press like those in DAI DONG TIEN PHAT

These presses provide excellent solids retention, producing 35-50% solids in the filter cake, saving you money on disposal. These presses routinely outperform other sludge dewatering devices, including rotary vacuum, horizontal vacuum, and belt filter presses. That high level of effectiveness makes them a real asset to a variety of industries including cement and stone fabricating. They are especially well suited for facilities that use ink, paint, or plating solutions such as the metal finishing business. Manufacturers that produce starch as a byproduct will also benefit from a  industrial filter press. In addition to being highly effective, these plate and frame filter presses are easy to use and fully automated, so your operators only need to be on hand for press set-up, cake removal, and maintenance. Each comes standard with cold-draw steel side rails, solid hot-rolled steel head and follower plates, all-welded hydraulic cylinders, air blowdown drain system, polypropylene recessed filter plates rated at 100 psi, polypropylene filter cloths with gasketted edges, and 2-speed hydraulic pumps.

When you buy a sludge dewatering filter press from DAI DONG TIEN PHAT, you can also purchase other equipment and supplies for your system including:

•  Forkliftable dump carts

•  Filter plates

•  Filter cloths

•  Oring material

•  Plate shifter

•  Air operated sludge pumps and rebuild kits

•  Air-operated hydraulic system

•  High-efficiency Infrared sludge dryers

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